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Robotics Simulation Systems

Robotics Simulation Systems

Robotics Simulation Systems

Simulation robotic systems are a multi-step process that starts from sketching an object to deploying it to target platforms. The basis for the development of any model is the preparation of a package of technical documentation. Its composition is standardized by uniform norms. The design of industrial robots can be according to several approaches:

  • Structural. Specialists build several variants of robots from the initial components, evaluate and compare their characteristics according to specified criteria, make adjustments to achieve better performance;
  • The block-hierarchical approach is based on the allocation of various hierarchical levels of the robot. For example, is the level of motion planning, the level of control, the level of executive mechanisms. A general description of the robot is given at the top, and this description is detailed at subsequent levels.

Three levels of robotic system design are most commonly distinguished. At the top level, they usually develop structural diagrams, a general view of the robot. At the middle level, the development of individual devices takes place, as a result of which their functional and schematic diagrams appear. At the lower level, individual parts and elements of robots are designed.

What does the robot project include?

The general robot simulation system assumes:

  • Setting goals based on initial data and requirements for the future facility;
  • Working out the functions and capabilities of the robot;
  • Formation of the appearance of the object;
  • Optimization of the model.

The Simulation robot system stages are:

  • Terms of reference, which prescribes the purpose of the robot, technical requirements, feasibility study. The developers conduct a market analysis and draw up a business plan for the project; 
  • Technical Proposal. Specialists carry out patent search and research work, think over experimental design tasks;
  • Technical project. At this stage, experts think over the design and parameters of the robot, calculate the reliability;
  • Working documentation. Specialists prepare assembly drawings, passports, user manuals, documents on technological preparation of production;
  • Release of a prototype, installation, and industrial series.

The best developments in robotics are offered for you

The robot store features the latest, innovative models for a wide variety of industrial applications. We are adding the catalog with new products, follow the development of technologies and know-how for the correct implementation of solutions in a production environment. You can buy equipment from us and get a comprehensive service for the supply, turnkey installation, and system integration of high-quality software. 

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