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Robotic Control System

Robotic Control System

Robotic Control System

One of the important factors in the effectiveness of the robotic system at an enterprise is the ease of control. If the control of the robot’s work is too much trouble, then it is difficult to talk about process optimization. Therefore, the developers pay a lot of attention to the establishment needs of the company. Robot control systems can be of several types:

  • Software – the simplest and most common solution. Mostly this type of system control is used in industrial facilities. Specialists are programming in different languages and computers are using as equipment. 
  • Adaptive – robots with this control system are equipped with a touch panel. Signals are transmitted to the sensors, according to which the robot decides on further actions;
  • Based on artificial intelligence;
  • Manual remote control by a person.

Control principles and software for this

Robots-manipulators are the most popular in the industrial field. Their purpose depends on the control method. The following robot control systems can be distinguished:

  • Loop – they are responsible for issuing commands in a strict sequence. Usually, they do not imply the study of trajectories along each of the axes and include movement along with the minimum number of positions. This system is relevant for robots for assembling parts, moving goods, warehouse and transport operations;
  • Positioning systems for more complex manipulations. Such robots are effective, for example, in welding;
  • Multi-position systems – allow passing intermediate positions without stopping and maintaining the set speed;
  • Contour systems – define the motion of a continuous trajectory. These robots are usually used for complex arc welding.

We have considered only a few control systems for software robots. There are other options for software control systems. Some examples of such systems allow the integration of additional units so that signals from sensing sensors can be input and processed to control adaptive robots. In addition, in many cases, it is required to introduce additional devices into existing software control systems to connect these systems to a local network consisting of computers, technological equipment units, and a control computer of the entire RTK as a whole.

A platform with the best robots for your efficient production

In our robot store, there is a large selection of modern, functional, and easy-to-use systems that allow you to take any type of production to a new level. We will be happy to advise you in detail and help you make a good choice.

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