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Robot System Engineering

Robot System Engineering

Robot System Engineering

The engineering process of a robotic system begins with the preparation of technical documentation that defines the aspects of manufacturing and commissioning the robot. The composition of documents has been determined by unified world standards. The design uses several effective approaches, including structural and block-hierarchical. The sequence of stages of model development is as follows:

  • Formulation of initial data for the creation of a robot – purpose, object parameters, technical requirements, economic efficiency;
  • Preparation of technical specifications;
  • Drawing up prototypes;
  • Preparation of the work implementation schedule;
  • Drawing up a technical proposal;
  • Preparation of sketches;
  • Completion of technical and detailed design.

Principles and technologies for creating robots

During the engineering of a robot, the following characteristics are determined:

  • Carrying capacity, taking into account a slight excess of the specified mass of the manipulated object;
  • Parameters of the working area (the supposed place of work of the robot, the equipment operating nearby taken into account);
  • The number of degrees of mobility by the trajectories, obstacles, the required accuracy;
  • Coordinate system;
  • Kinematic diagram;
  • Modes of operation of drives.

For a mobile robot, the above list of design steps includes the corresponding items for the design of the robot movement system.

The creation of a prototype, which is subject to testing, is necessarily envisaged. Then an installation series is prepared, which the developers refine and correct. Based on all the previous modifications, an industrial series is produced. 

For a mobile robot, the above list of design steps includes the corresponding items for the design of the robot movement system.

The creation of a prototype, which is subject to testing, is necessarily envisaged. Then an installation series is prepared, which the developers refine and correct. Based on all the previous modifications, an industrial series is produced.

The design of robotic systems in the USA is actively developing. It is no exaggeration to say that every day new solutions appear, and innovative technologies are tested. In addition to the design of industrial systems, the creation of effective civil robots has a reversal. Their task is to be useful in solving the problems of the public. There are already successful steps in this direction, and favorable prospects for the future are visible. The fleet of robots is growing rapidly and opens up new possibilities both in the optimization of industrial processes and in solving social problems.

America’s Best Robots – Available to Order


Our website contains the latest developments in the modern robotics design industry. Models, different in purpose, capabilities, design, and management, are designed to solve one main task – to simplify a person’s life. The introduction of robotics into production processes is a strategically correct decision that will be a breakthrough for business development and its components optimization. The robot shop employs real professionals in this field. They will help you not only to successfully choose and buy equipment, but also fully accompany the process of its implementation into operation and provide further technical support.

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